txt MacChess Manual NL; Simple Text document 7,248 bytes.
txt MacChess History NL; Simple Text document 1,584 bytes.
MacChess works only on a Macintosh with at last a 68020 processor
and system 7. MacChess has been tested on a Classic II and on the Centris 610.
Please let me know if there are any problems when other types of Macintosh are used.
The memory of MacChess has been put on 2000 K, but it can be changed with the infobox of the Finder to 1000 K or more, depending on your computer's memory.
The number of kilobytes used influences the 'Transposition Table'.
For example, if the memory used is 6000 K or 10000 K for transposition
tabels of 4000 or 8000 K, more search depth in the end game will be achieved.